Wednesday, November 20, 2013


There is only so much that can be said on thanksgiving... everyone knows the traditions.

I thought I would just throw some food for thought out there about the holiday from my opinion.  

Thanksgiving is about giving thanks to God for what we have and His provisions. Many turn it into a day of feasting, but the pilgrims originally had very little to eat! I fear that too often we get caught up in feasting and visiting that we forget to give thanks.

Many people I know go around and say a couple things they are thankful for before the meal.  I think this is a great idea but I would prefer  a little more private setting.  It's hard to be as thankful when put on the spot in front of others.

My ideas of thanksgiving is this.  I think it would be great to fast for the whole day, contemplating the hardships that we have been spared yet the pilgrims went through. During this time we can spend alone time with God praising Him and thanking Him for all He has done for us.  

After the sun sets get together with friends and family (or whatever time in the evening schedules permit) and have your thanksgiving meal.

As I said, this is just an idea I had and thought would be neat to do. Gives a little different perspective and feel to thanksgiving and maybe keeps it a little more along the lines of actually giving thanks to God more and more sincerely.

Let me know what you think or feel free to share your thanksgiving traditions.  

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Equality!! Scream for Equality...(and lets not forget tolerance)

Ok, so my wife and I were talking about this and I just wanted to share my thoughts. This blog post might be a little more poking fun at some specifics but more or less it outlines my opinion and I think a very important issue.

In our society you have racism, sexists, elitists, and who knows what all so I will try and cover the basis.

Tolerance... you do realize if you are screaming the word "Tolerance" in someones face that is very intolerant right? Yet those who get it screamed at them are usually (as a general rule) the more tolerant. This is simply because good people are not willing to do bad things to propagate their beliefs. Bad people are.

As far as tolerance and equality go for races... there is only ONE race.  If you tested DNA from anyone from any ethnicity, and tribe, language, nation... of any age from the day of conception to death... guess what... it comes out as human DNA. *tada!* 
     Why then are some people dark and others light?  Because we all have melanin in our skin, just different concentrations of it. What this means is all skin is the same color, just a different shade. That black guy down the street gets his skin color from a high concentration of melanin, the white guy down the other street gets his skin color from a very light concentration of melanin.  There is only one skin color, just different intensities. Now that I have said that in three different ways lets move on.

How about gender wars?  Feminism runs ramped  in the streets and men are all that and a bag of chips. (Unfortunately some men and women really are all that and a bag of chips... or more...but that's another subject on tolerance right...?) *cough*
     Feminists think both genders should be equal right?  New York city, I am told, has made it legal for women to walk around topless...since men do it equality demands women should be able to do it too!  
     First off, since when does equality mean lowering the standard for the "suppressed" group?  " have lower standards than we do. That's not fair! We should have just as low standards as them!"  Something about that logic just doesn't jive with me. Why not raise the standard of the "lacking" group. "Hm...women would get in trouble if they went around without shirts but men do it all the time. Maybe we should try and get men to start covering up."  Sounds a little more reasonable I think.
     After all the argument is that women's breasts aren't any more attractive to a man than a man's muscles are to a woman. If that is true, I aint letting no women see me without a shirt on...just feels wrong.
     For all you gender equality criers out there...I have the ultimate solution! Go to a plastic surgeon and have them give you female and male organs and become one could discriminate against you then! (oh how wrong that is...)
     Truth be told men and woman both are equally important! Men are better at some things and women are better at others. Both genders serve VERY different rolls but are equally important!
Elitists? What's to be said here? Arrogant people think they are better than others. Often times this too can be connect to "race" but as we discovered there is really only one race... the human race. Just because you have more doesn't mean you are worth more. It's just that some people have fallen so far down the mouth of moral depravity that they realize there is no crawling out. In despair they decide to head down to the other end to find an alternative exit. When they get there, however, they realize it's nothing but a whole load of crud.

So... in conclusion, next time someone screams EQUALITY!!! at you, just tell them "You first."  Then, when they scream back in your face, "I am a tolerant equality striving person you bigot!" Just smile, shake your head, and walk away mumbling to yourself.  Drives e'm squirly!

That's it for today. :)  haha lol and a half box of ice cream later... this is what you get in a blog post.