Monday, December 16, 2013

Stand up for your Rights!

Just a thought on standing for your rights.

We have certain rights, we know they are being infringed upon, and we believe we should fight for those rights. 

However, have we ever stopped to think that us standing up for our rights is exactly what they want! By trying to take away our guns, they know we will fight back. By trying to take away our parental authority they know we will stand against them. etc... etc...

When we stand up for our rights it causes division in the nation. Those who fight for their rights on one side and those who want those rights taken away on the other side.  We all surely have heard the old saying, "Divide and conquer." 

Once they know how to push our buttons they can try and provoke us. Then, once they get the laws passed (that are illegal in nature) and we fight against them they will have everything they ever wanted for a reason to take us out.

We will break laws, (illegal ones mind you) we will defy authority, we will stand against the powers that be. Whether they put us in jail, fine us, force us to give in, or go even further... we are walking into a trap of their own makings. We are heading down the road of resistance...the very road they want us to travel. Else wise they will not have an excuse to take out the conservative "terrorists."

So what then? Should we stand down? Lie down in the streets just waiting to be run over? Because run over us they will, make no mistake about that!

On the contrary, I would say.  Instead of fighting blind and rioting and getting angry perhaps we should become organized.

Anyone who is interested in political reform back to the original constitution I think we should all unite and throw our support behind a group that strictly follows this principle. Don't remove the smaller scattered groups simply coordinate with all the other organizations. 

Our scattered seemingly UN-coordinated state actually gives is an advantage because they have no singular target to destroy.  Our efforts, however, must be coordinated!

Plan well, prepare for the traps we KNOW we are walking into, fight with organization in purpose but dispersion in grouping. Fight smart fight hard. 

Just some thoughts to ponder.  Keep in mind always God only knows where we are going and I mean that in all seriousness. He would be a good option to lean on. ;)


  1. Interesting plan of action. Do you know of any such groups?

  2. I do not many. I do know that politics have flooded all interests in this nation and I believe that the best group would be a group of like minded believers.

    Were I to re-write this post I would stress more that the physical fight we are going through is nothing compared to the spiritual battle that is taking place in this Nation. We do not wrestle against flesh and blood... all our physical actions effect the spiritual realm and I believe as believers that is where we must primarily fight the fight.

    I do believe there will be times of physical battles, however.
