Saturday, December 28, 2013

Conspiracy Theory

Though I would run a conspiracy theory by everyone...

The conservative Media like Fox we all know is owned by Warner brothers and there are some muslims who are very high up in the company... so that compromises their integrity right?  What about talk radio, though?  It's free right! Maybe not.

If you sign up for the tea party e-mails, conservative groups... rush, hanity, beck, ingrahm (sp?) What do you get?  A lot of info...usually with an option to donate money.

I have got e-mail after e-mail pleading for money money money! They mentioned donating up to 5 times in the same e-mail sometimes! O_o What's up with that?

It's pretty much true that conservative media exists because there is a market for it. Could it be deeper, though?

Perhaps they know that conservatives who care will donate money so they set up pawns to funnel in cash from the opposing side? (they as in the powers that be) 

Don't get me wrong... I am not suggesting that Rush is intentionally funding the powers that be. However I believe that there is an aspect of that going on. The people behind the curtains dip their fingers in everything that makes money. It's just like selling WWJD T shirts... Christians are a marketing tool for the greedy. Conservatism is too.

Am I suggesting don't ever donate to these places?  No.

I am suggesting, however, that you should still be very careful where you send your money. Don't assume just because it's a conservative organization they are going to use your money right. Corruption is not prejudiced to a particular political belief system. Neither is Greed.

Don't fall into the trap of letting "them" manipulate you through your own beliefs! Be smart and fight hard, but be sure what you are fighting against... and who you are fighting with.

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