Saturday, April 11, 2015

"Authority of the Scripture."

This is going to be a short post but I want to address an issue that I am seeing within the "christian" community.  All of us are guilty of this, don't get me wrong... even myself. 

Often times the things I write about are just as much for my benefit as for the benefit of others.

I would like to address the "Authority of the Scripture."

Without getting exceedingly in-depth, first I would like to point out that due to all bibles being a copy of a copy of a copy... and on top of that it is a modern translation of one language into another... there will always be issues of interpretation.

These issues must be solved by not isolating single scriptures. They must be compared to the bible as a whole and set side by side with parallels in scripture by principle and grammatical usage of the words.

That being said... I would ask the question. If a man disagrees with the bible who should be follow?

Logically anyone following truly will admit that we must follow the bible! The bible is the ultimate authority and anything that disagrees with it is just flat out wrong. I say this not to be rude but to simplify.

For everything we say, believe, or teach, we must have chapter and verse. Anything you hear ask, "Chapter and verse?"

If we do NOT have chapter and verse what we are saying should be automatically suspect.

There will always be issues that are not directly addressed in the bible but if you look hard enough most everything has a biblical principle that you can glean from scripture.

Ultimately the verse below is what I am trying to say in a much more complicated way....

Romans chapter 3 and the middle of verse 4 "let God be true, but every man a liar"

Let us test all things against the scripture and trust nothing that strays from the word of God. Question everything you do. This is how we grow.

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