Saturday, October 12, 2013

Meditation...a tool or Taboo?

In our culture today the word Meditation has been dressed with colors from almost every religion known to man. The new age movement and many occult circles use high amounts of meditation and thus it has become a taboo in some Christian circles.
     The Bible, however, has at least 40+ verses about meditation. So the question becomes what IS meditation.

Much of the occult meditation tells you to "empty your mind."  They want your mind unguarded, open, and they want you to allow anything in that wants to enter.
     Is this what the Bible talks about when it speaks of meditation? 

When verses tell you to meditate on the word of God night and day... that is hardly emptying your mind.  Biblical meditation is filling your mind and focusing your mind with a biblical principle, with God and His laws.

When Christians fail to properly fill a role (such as meditating on the word of God) Satan will offer a counterfeit.
     Meditate simply means to ponder, consider, or think about. The enemy has us all running around ragged like chickens with our heads cut off... always busy, always with something to do... we have little time to contemplate the ways of God.  In addition to this, after such a busy involved stretch of time the idea of "emptying our mind" sounds rather inviting. The danger is, if we empty our minds and lower our defenses... allow anything in that wants to come in... that gives Satan and his demons an open door.
     If we fill our mind with scripture Satan and his demons can NOT enter. When Messiah is inside us, evil can not take root. (unless we give a foothold)

So, while meditation is very dangerous if taken out of context, biblical meditation (contemplation on scriptures and the ways of God) can actually make our lives much easier and grow us closer to the Lord.
    So my challenge to all reading this would be...

SLOW DOWN!  Take some time for God. Take time to talk, take time to listen (very important) take time to contemplate scriptures. You need your quiet time with God, and He enjoys that time and will bless you through it.


  1. Great post! I think you described biblical meditation very well.

    1. Thanks. I think it is very important in our world today to make that distinction. Else wise the devil will have us shying away from something that can grow us closer to God because we see too much of his counterfeit.

  2. Awesome. Jason I was even asking Yah why he moved me from LA California to Perryton TX. Which to me is very quiet and small. And now I realize that He is removing distraction around me so that I can have quiet times with Him and meditate in His Word.

    1. I think that is very good, because especially in a city the size of LA I can see how the busyness of society is even more of an issue. Also HE brought you to a fellowship. :) I am sure there is a reason in that as well.

  3. Good stuff. Remember to capitalize Bible. (biblical with a small b and Bible with a capital B).

    1. Hey, thanks for the read and comment. :) Yeah, I've always had problems remembering that when I get typing. Thanks for pointing that out I will re-read this and pick that out and edit.
